Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun Convention Shoot!

I just spent a couple of days working for the Sports Turf Manager's Association. I shoot for a lot of trade show and event clients and I'm always amazed at what I learn about different industries. These members are in charge of maintaining sports playing surfaces of all kinds and it gets pretty involved.

Their founder is referred to as the "Sod God." You might not know George Toma but you know his work; he maintains the playing field for a little event called the Super Bowl (all 42 of them!) They also call him the "Marquis de Sod." That must be a challenging job; I can't even mow grass in a straight line.

Their keynote speaker was pretty amazing with his ESP skills. He had four random members come up with details about a particular car of their choice, then he pulled a sealed envelope from his pocket on which he apparently had written those exact details on his flight to Phoenix that morning! He pulled off some amazing stuff!

1 comment:

Robert A Vollrath said...

The Sod God and magic too. Nice photo blog.