Monday, July 20, 2009

PTA National Convention, Ft Lauderdale

Right now I'm in Las Vegas shooting The National Veteran Small Business Conference for the second year; since I have a little downtime I figured it was a good time to update my blog with the event from a couple of weeks ago. Convention work is always fun and a great opportunity to shoot in a different style between weddings; the variety is a great way to keep things fresh.

This year was a huge deal because of the induction of the PTA's first-ever male president, Chuck Saylors (1st pic below.) He's from South Carolina and one of the nicest southern gentleman you could ever meet, plus he's hysterical.

This was my 4th year working with PTA since they came to Phoenix in 2006. Last year was San Diego, this year Ft Lauderdale. It rained heavily every day and we saw very little sun but I actually loved it. The convention always brings in entertainment from the local schools at every convention; that is often my favorite part. Here are shots from a local high school jazz band.

PTA has a couple of new ambassadors now, too. Dara Torres, olympic gold medalist for swimming was one; she was really funny and very down-to-earth.

My favorite, however, was R&B singer CeCe Peniston; she has an amazing voice. I got to talk to her and her husband Frank quite a bit and they were really cool people. Turns out they live in Glendale and wanted to know when I'll be performing at The Shout House so I'll probably see them again soon.

Next year we're going to Memphis! I'll bring Julie and Reagan again; Julie's birthday is the same as Elvis and she is a big fan.

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